City Flowers Skopje

Occasions - Home Celebration / Name Day

Flower bouquet Magdalena
Want a drama effect? With this bouquet of red passionate roses and contrast of white and fragrant lily, you can be sure that you will achieve that! An unforgettable moment that will open all the doors to your heart. All you have to do is select the size, size M shown in the photo, or size L.
2000 0 den.
This magical Anthurium arrives with beautiful red heart-shaped flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves. Be sure to evoke a smile and pleasure and it is a great gift for any occasion.

The plant comes with a ceramic pot, and it is up to you to choose the size of the plant.
Message card included.
1570 0 den.
Flower bouquet Luck
Always remind yourself of the good people in your life, the special ones who make you smile, who offer you a reason to be happy, who are unconditionally always there for you. Whether it is their birthday or name day, or they are celebrating an important moment in their life or you just want to thank them and make their day happier, this floral design will always be an ideal choice.

Comes in multiple sizes, XL size is shown in the photo, and you can choose between M, L and XXL size. A personal message card is included.
1990 0 den.
слика од Cyclamen stock
Cyclamen is a symbol of serenity and harmony, love and happiness. You will never go wrong when giving a cyclamen to a loved one. Great birthday present and gift for the International Women's Day.

All you have to do is choose whether to send it in a ceramic pot (shown in the photo) or wrapped in decorative paper.
A personal message card is included.
880 0 den.

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